
Saturday, 2 July 2016

Keep S.M.A.R.T.

Walt: discuss goal setting with Dreydon and Kate

Dreydon, Kate and Tommy all came along for a visit to our school. They shared a presentation that showed how their 80 km walk went. “The Hillary Trail walk was a challenge,” Dreydon said to our table. They gave our school some money that they fundraised by doing the Hillary Trail walk in under 24 hours. Dreydon talked us through his presentation about setting goals.

Dreydon told us that the main thing you would need is the right equipment and right support team. He showed us his equipment that he took. The first thing he showed us was a camel pack that could hold upto 2 litres and some food. The next was a cramp spray and pills, a head torch, a merino jacket and trail walking shoes.

Dreydon told us about himself doing the ironman challenge. There were also awards for the team. There was one lady that finished even though she wanted to pull out at every stop but she strived on. They made there own iron man/iron lady award and she got it. They trained continuously day after day so they would be ready for any obstacles. Dreydon showed us acrostic poem that spelt S.M.A.R.T.

S - pecifc
M - easurable
A - chievable
R - elevant
T - ime bound

When he concluded his presentation he wanted the whole class to take a photo to remember. Few days later Dreydon and Kate sent us a card saying Thank you for having us, there was also 6 bags of pineapple lumps.


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