
Thursday, 23 June 2016

Nga Tatarakihi o Parihaka

This is my summary that I wrote about my story.

Rarawa and Aunty Maata heard the news that the government was here. They read a proclamation saying that the soldiers were coming in two weeks. Tohu and Te Whiti held a meeting for everyone to come. Everyone was surely going to the meeting. The government was ruining the village and Te Whiti tried his best to stop them. The soldiers marched up to the marae. They then marched away with Te Whiti and Tohu.


Anonymous said...

Talofa Lava Lauren.

I really like how your summary is short and how you only have the main points on. I have wrote a summary too, but mine summary is to long and it doesn't have all the main points. Did you enjoy making your summary?

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