For the last few weeks my class and I have been studying all about corn. We also did maths with corn. We had to estimate the husk, silk and kernels. We did a survey asking the whole class (room 8) with the help of two people from room 11 (Jazire and Harrison), and some of the staff. The survey said How do you like corn? It had the options of Steamed, Fried, BBQ, Microwaved and Grilled. The numbers at the top are how many people like their corn.
I used create a graph online to draw up a bar graph the link is here down below.
I found that this graph was easy to work with. It took a few attemp3rdts to get it the way I wanted but I enjoy using it now. It is much faster than doing it manually. I want to learn next an easy online game that helps understand to convert fractions, decimals and percentages.